Geometrical Transformations

x [float]

X axis translation. The float argument is the offset measured in units of the local coordinate system.

notation is:

{ x 1 } box
{ x -.1 } box
{ x 2.1 } box

y [float]

Y axis translation. The float argument is the offset measured in units of the local coordinate system.

notation is:

{ y 1 } box
{ y -.1 } box
{ y 2.1 } box

z [float]

Z axis translation. The float argument is the offset measured in units of the local coordinate system.

notation is:

{ z 1 } box
{ z -.1 } box
{ z 2.1 } box

rx [float]

Rotation about the x axis. The 'float' argument is the angle specified in degrees. The rotation axis is centered at the unit cube in the local coordinate system: that is the rotation axis contains the line segment from (0, 0.5, 0.5) -> (1, 0.5, 0.5).

notation is:

{ rx 45 } box
{ rx 90.0 } box

ry [float]

Rotation about the y axis. The 'float' argument is the angle specified in degrees. The rotation axis is centered at the unit cube in the local coordinate system: that is the rotation axis contains the line segment from (0, 0.5, 0.5) -> (1, 0.5, 0.5).

notation is:

{ ry 45 } box
{ ry 90.0 } box

rz [float]

Rotation about the z axis. The 'float' argument is the angle specified in degrees. The rotation axis is centered at the unit cube in the local coordinate system: that is the rotation axis contains the line segment from (0, 0.5, 0.5) -> (1, 0.5, 0.5).

notation is:

{ rz 45 } box
{ rz 90.0 } box

s [float]

Resizes the local coordinate system. Notice that the center for the resize is located at the center of the unit cube in the local system (at (0.5,0.5,0.5)

notation is:

{ x 2 s 2 } box
{ s .5 } box

s [float] [float] [float]

Resizes the local coordinate system. As above but with separate scale for each dimension.

notation is:

{ s .5 1 1 } box
{ s 1 .5 1 } box
{ s 1 1 .5 } box

m [f1] ... [f9]

Applies the specified 3x3 rotation matrix to the transformation matrix for the current state. About the argument order: [f1],[f2],[f3] defines the first row of the matrix.

A translation moves every point by a fixed distance in the same direction.

notation is:

// Unfortunately this doesn't work now.
{ m 1 0 2
0 1 0
0 0 1 } box

A rotation is a transformation that is performed by "spinning" the object around a fixed point.

notation is:

{ m 1 0 0
0 .53 -.85
0 .85 .53 } box

A scaling is a linear transformation that enlarges or diminishes object.

notation is:

{ m 2 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 2 } box