Color Space Transformations

hue [float]

Adds the 'float' value to the hue color parameter for the current state. Hues are measured from 0 to 360 and wraps cyclicly - i.e. a hue of 400 is equal to a hue of 40.

notation is:

{ x 1 h 36 } box
{ x 1 hue 36 } box

saturation [float]

Multiplies the 'float' value with the saturation color parameter for the current state. Saturation is measured from 0 to 1 and is clamped to this interval (i.e. values larger then 1 are set to 1).

notation is:

{ x 1 sat .9 } box
{ x 1 saturation .9 } box

brightness [float]

Multiples the 'float' value with the brightness color parameter for the current state. Brightness is measured from 0 to 1 and is clamped to this interval. Notice that parameter is sometimes called 'V' or 'Value' (and the color space is often refered to as [HSV](

notation is:

{ x 1 b .5 } box
{ x 1 brightness .5 } box

color [color]

This commands sets the color to an absolut color (most other transformations are relative modifications on the current state). Colors are specified as text-strings parsed using Qt's [color parsing](, allowing for standard HTML RGB specifications (e.g. #F00 or #FF0000), but also SVG keyword names (e.g. red or even lightgoldenrodyellow)

notation is:

{ color #00f } box // 3-digit hex is ok
{ color #d8345f } box // 6-digit hex is ok
{ color white } box // css color is ok

blend [color] [strength]

Blends the current color with the specified color. A strength of 1.0 will weight the current and new color evenly. Colors are mixed in HSV color space. Hue's will wrap around. Saturation and Value are clamped to [0,1]. Notice that since the mixing is performed in HSV space, the result may seems counterintuitive. For instance blending a red color into a blue color, may have intermediate green steps (since you are change the hue - so you will move around on the HSV color circle).

notation is:

{ x 1 blend #0f0 .1 } box


Chooses a random color (using the current colorpool).

notation is:

{ x 1 color random } box