Termination Criteria

set maxdepth [integer]

Breaks after [integer] iterations (generations). This will also serve as a upper recursion limit for all rules.

notation is:

set maxdepth 5

set maxobjects [integer]

After [integer] objects have been created, the construction is terminated.

notation is:

set maxobjects 3

set seed [integer]

Allows you to set the random seed. This makes it possible to reproduce creations. set seed initial This allows you to set the seed to its initial value (the value specified in the seed box). Notice that each rule call branch maintains its own sequence of random numbers. This makes it possible to generate the same set of random numbers as used earlier, making it possible to combine randomness with self-similarity.

notation is:

set seed 20

set background [color]

Allows you to set the background color. Colors are specified as text-strings parsed using Qt's color parsing, allowing for standard HTML RGB specifications (e.g. #F00 or #FF0000), but also SVG keyword names (e.g. red or even lightgoldenrodyellow).

notation is:

set background #F00
set background #FF0000
set background black